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Divine Heart...is an invitation to experience the quiet beauty and spirit of nature around and in us.
A celebration of spiritual faith and unity nurtures each individual in seeking inner truth and wisdom.
The spiritual expression of who we are now.
We journey our life in harmony with all creation, embracing joy, love, compassion, and respect in the serenity of oneness.
   faith - harmony - unity

A deer, a beautiful statuesque being, stood by the side of the road in the moonlight of winter.  She had the elegance of a ballerina.  When an animal makes
an unusual appearance it is time as an animal communicator to ask, "What is your name and do you have message for me?

She replied the her name was, "HARMONY".  She continued to say that she was here to give us messages from God.

After ministry classes or on our way to church, Harmony was there waiting along side of the road to give us a message from God.  For a seemingly unending
long time I had pondered, searched, questioned and asked God for a trinity of words that would express the fullfilment of the Second Coming that we were to
create for His Son, Yeshua.

It was a mellow early summer Sunday morning when I saw her standing just beyond a fenceline.  The grass she stood in was tall and golden.  Next to her were
two babies with their delightful white dots covering their tiny bodies. 

I asked Harmony,"What are your babies names?" and she replied,
"FAITH and UNITY".                               joy@divineheart.org 215.412.7820